finding balance through conscious living


Feeding Your Dog Raw: 5 Simple Dos and Don’ts

Feeding Your Dog Raw: 5 Simple Dos and Don’ts

Learning all of the dos and don’ts of raw feeding comes with time, but there are 5 things to be aware of right off the bat. Avoid certain foods. Contrary to popular belief, dogs were not made to properly digest fruits, vegetables or dairy. Because…

7 Benefits Of Feeding Dogs A Raw Diet

7 Benefits Of Feeding Dogs A Raw Diet

People who feed their dogs a diet of whole, raw meats, bones and organs, often notice a variety of improvements to their dogs’ health within a very short period of time. While there are 101 benefits to feeding raw, these are the benefits and improvements…

How To Make Bone Broth For Your Dog

How To Make Bone Broth For Your Dog

Bone broth is an excellent source of important minerals, and can boost and strengthen the immune system. Bones from land animals are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. All of these are extracted from the bones during the cooking process. Bone broths are inexpensive…

Fears and Concerns About Feeding A Raw Dog Food Diet

Fears and Concerns About Feeding A Raw Dog Food Diet

Feeding dogs a raw diet is far from being a fad or trend. In fact, it wasn’t until the min-1800s that “dog food” was created in the UK, then introduced to the US in the 1890s. So, for about 150 years dogs have been eating…