finding balance through conscious living

The Animals

Why Your Dog Needs Healthy Fats In His Diet

Why Your Dog Needs Healthy Fats In His Diet

We’ve been taught to believe that a high fat diet is evil. However, fat is vital to your dog’s health in a variety of ways. Here are just some of them: Fat is a concentrated energy source for dogs, providing twice the amount of energy that protein and…

Trichinella Warnings For Raw Feeders: Trichinosis and Raw Fed Dogs

Trichinella Warnings For Raw Feeders: Trichinosis and Raw Fed Dogs

Trichinosis (also known as trichinellosis or trichiniasis) is a parasitic disease caused by roundworms. Infection was once a very common issue and though outbreaks still occur among wild animals, trichinosis is now rare in factory-farm raised meat throughout the US. Successful trichinae control programs implemented by…

Turmeric Golden Paste For Dogs (And People!)

Turmeric Golden Paste For Dogs (And People!)

Turmeric golden paste is fed to dogs to reduce inflammation, improve their digestive health, increase the antioxidant capacity of the body, improve liver function, improve brain function, lower the risk of heart disease, help prevent cancer, and reduce the risk of developing hip dysplasia. Not…

Chicken Jerky Recipe For Dogs

Chicken Jerky Recipe For Dogs

What I love about making jerky for the dogs is that it’s as simple as slicing the meat, placing it in the dehydrator and plugging it up. No rubs or seasoning needed (or recommended). Chicken Jerky Recipe:  Cut slices about 1/2 inches thick. One chicken…