finding balance through conscious living


Warning to Raw Feeders: Illegal to Buy Wild Game

Warning to Raw Feeders: Illegal to Buy Wild Game

I think you’ll agree with me when I say that the last thing I want is to break the law over my dogs’ raw food diets. After seeing many raw feeders suggest the illegal buying of and bartering for wild game it’s time for me…

Eliminate Fleas With Beneficial Nematodes

Eliminate Fleas With Beneficial Nematodes

Beneficial nematodes can wipe out flea populations completely. I had an infestation of fleas on my property that was eliminated by beneficial nematodes. These nematodes eat flea eggs and larva, ending the lifecycle before they grow to maturity. Beneficial nematodes or roundworms inhabit a broad…

Can I Feed My Dog Marrow Bones?

Can I Feed My Dog Marrow Bones?

Marrow bones (also called recreational bones) are generally beef femur or hip bones filled with marrow, that have been machine cut into sections. They’re sold in the meat section of grocery stores, particularly for soups, stocks and broths. These bones are also sold (cooked) as…

Anemia In Dogs: Supporting Healthy Blood Cell Counts

Anemia In Dogs: Supporting Healthy Blood Cell Counts

Anemia in dogs occurs when your dog’s red blood cells aren’t functioning properly or simply aren’t able to oxygenate. Anemia can be caused by blood loss, red blood cell destruction, and inadequate red blood cell production. Injury, cancer, autoimmune disease, infectious disease, iron deficiency, and…