finding balance through conscious living

The Animals

Are 3D And 4D Meats Safe To Feed Your Raw Fed Dog?

Are 3D And 4D Meats Safe To Feed Your Raw Fed Dog?

Meat quality is an important part of a raw diet, so it’s easy to understand why raw feeders avoid 3D and 4D meats. What does 3D and 4D meat mean? Diseased Dying Down (because of a broken leg, sickness, or refusal to stand) Dead Animals…

Healing Anal Gland Issues With A Raw Diet

Healing Anal Gland Issues With A Raw Diet

Anal glands are little sacs that sit right inside of dogs’ rectums and are designed to secrete a substance that contains pheromones. These pheromones are chemical messengers that help identify “who’s who” in the pack. Dogs have existed in harmony with their anal glands for…

10 Things Your Dog Shouldn’t Be Eating

10 Things Your Dog Shouldn’t Be Eating

Your dog depends on you to provide them with the nutrition they need to thrive. The reality is that as people become more and more disease ridden our pets do as well. In most cases the culprit is very clearly this: a poor diet. Some…

17 Warnings for Feeding Dogs Fruits and Vegetables

17 Warnings for Feeding Dogs Fruits and Vegetables

I know that, like me, you want the best for your dogs. The way to give your dog the longest and best life possible is by feeding them a superior diet. Have you been told that your carnivore needs fruits, vegetables and even grains? Have…