finding balance through conscious living

The Animals

Fish Oil For Dogs: Comparing Salmon Oil, Krill Oil and Pollock Oil

Fish Oil For Dogs: Comparing Salmon Oil, Krill Oil and Pollock Oil

Omega-6 and omega-3 fats are as vital to your pet’s health as they are to yours. These fatty acids are crucial for many of your pet’s most important tissues and organs — everything from their livers to their skin and coats. Equally as important, essential fats…

Feeding Raw: What Is Frankenprey?

Feeding Raw: What Is Frankenprey?

Frankenprey is a term used to describe the variety of meats, bones and organs that make up a raw fed dog’s diet. The concept of Frankenprey is to make up a prey animal from various parts of various animals. For example, someone might feed their…

Feeding Your Dog Raw: 5 Simple Dos and Don’ts

Feeding Your Dog Raw: 5 Simple Dos and Don’ts

Learning all of the dos and don’ts of raw feeding comes with time, but there are 5 things to be aware of right off the bat. Avoid certain foods. Contrary to popular belief, dogs were not made to properly digest fruits, vegetables or dairy. Because…

7 Benefits Of Feeding Dogs A Raw Diet

7 Benefits Of Feeding Dogs A Raw Diet

People who feed their dogs a diet of whole, raw meats, bones and organs, often notice a variety of improvements to their dogs’ health within a very short period of time. While there are 101 benefits to feeding raw, these are the benefits and improvements…