finding balance through conscious living

Healing Hotspots Naturally With Turmeric Powder

Healing hotspots naturally, without antibiotics, is easy and inexpensive. Once you see how quickly and effectively turmeric cures your dog’s hotspots you’ll be a believer!

But first, it’s important to understand what hotspots are and how they are caused.

What Are Hotspots?

Hotspots are an immune response of the skin – similar to a scab.

They appear as red, moist, irritated, oozy skin lesions. They can be caused by an allergic reaction, a bug bite, poor grooming, boredom or stress, or underlying disease.

Whatever the cause, there is a safe and effective natural treatment.

What Could Be The Cause?

Hot spots are never “just a skin condition.” They always have an underlying cause.

That’s why it’s important to address the cause of the hotspot. Otherwise, they will just keep coming back.

  • Could your dog have been bitten by an insect?
  • Does he have a sore spot such as an achy hip that he’s been licking or chewing?
  • Does he have fleas?
  • Has he been exposed to environmental allergies like grasses, pollens, molds, etc.?
  • Has he eaten anything that might have caused an allergic reaction?
  • Is his coat matted?

Could The Cause Be Mental/Emotional?

  • Did you just introduce a new pet to the family?
  • Did you just make a big move to a new home?
  • Does he get stressed when left at home alone?
  • Have you been sick or away for a long period of time (vacation, hospital stay, etc.)?
  • Is he getting enough exercise and mental stimulation? Is he bored?

Once you know what’s causing the hotspots, it’s easier to prevent them in the future.

Why You Don’t Want To Use Conventional Treatments?

Conventional medicines work by suppressing symptoms.

All work to treat the signs of the disease, but aren’t designed to treat the cause.

Conventional antibiotic sprays and creams commonly used to treat hotspots can actually make your dog more likely to get hot spots in the future.

According to Dr. Henry Blumberg (professor of infectious disease at Emory University), in humans, topical antibiotics are “the leading cause of skin and soft tissue infections.”

Healing Hotspots Naturally With Turmeric Powder

There are several proven natural remedies that are more effective than conventional approaches because they won’t stress your dog’s immune system and in turn make it more likely for the hotspots to come back.

While calendula (marigold), St. John’s Wort and Himalayan salt all work well, turmeric outdoes them all.

How Does Turmeric Heal Hotspots?

Turmeric cures hotspots in several ways. Turmeric contains curcumin, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It’s a natural anti-bacterial which enables it to help fight bacteria found on the skin and prevent bacteria from entering in the body.

Turmeric (in dry powder form) absorbs moisture (what hotspots thrive on). It also helps clot the blood, preventing wounds from bleeding further.

Apply turmeric to your dog’s hotspots once and they’ll dry up and begin to heal, overnight.

How To Use Turmeric To Heal Hotspots

  1. Trim the hair around your dog’s hotspot. Hair holds moisture, which bacteria thrives on.
  2. Wash your dog’s hotspot with soap and water. Rinse well and pat dry.
  3. Sprinkle a thick layer of turmeric on the hotspot and gently rub your finger over the spot to make sure the turmeric is well applied.
  4. Reapply 1-2 times a day, as needed, until the spot completely dries up.

Be prepared for a cloud of orange dust when your dog shakes after application. It’s best to apply turmeric outside!

Disclaimer: All content provided on this website, is for informational purposes only. The materials contained here are not intended to be used for the diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed veterinary professional.

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